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Retreat Cost Estimator
Please complete the appropriate boxes in the form below to estimate the cost of your overnight retreat.*
Price discounts for larger groups occur at 150 and 250 paying guests. These discounts are partially built-in to this estimator.
Retreat Details Per
Retreat Basics:    
Number of guests under the age of 18
Number of adults 18 and older
Number of nights
Number of meals
Type of accomodations:
    Upgrade to the heated & air-conditioned lodges for $12.50 per night
Adult Supervision (only applies to overnight retreats with youth attending)

(Discount of 1 adult free for every 10 youth offered with above option)

- or -
Additional Activities and Special Housing:
Swimming Pool
Hours open
$150/hour (seasonal)
Hours waterfront open for canoeing
$105/hour (seasonal)
Challenge Course (learn more)
Number of participants (minimum of 12)
Hours on course per person
$8/person/hour plus $225 setup fee
  $ 0.00
Special Guest Housing
Number of rooms for night(s)
Total cost for additional activities and special housing
Total estimated retreat price:

*This estimating program is designed to give you a rough idea of the overall price and per person price for a retreat at Sandy Hill. For exact pricing, please contact the Sandy Hill office. These prices are subject to change at Sandy Hill's sole discretion at any time without notification. Nearly all of our retreat groups are "not-for-profit" groups (schools, churches, etc.), so there is only one set of prices for our retreats regardless of a group's tax-exempt status.
** These prices do not include any applicable sales tax for our "for-profit" groups.
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Sandy Hill Camp and Retreat Center
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